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Our View: The holiday season near - give early and often

The holiday season is approaching, and soon church groups, civic agencies, service clubs and others will be approaching people asking for donations to continue their good work.

While government assistance is helpful, much of the help needy people get comes from private groups that provide quality services with a low overhead.

Government assistance at every front is being cut back, so there will be more people depending on private groups.

Federal aid to all kinds of programs is being cut. Additional money for the food stamp program, or SNAP, that was allocated under the federal Stimulus program on 2009 will not be renewed.

Despite the brightening economic picture, a lot of people are being laid off. School districts and government agencies are being cut back.

Yet, food prices are going up.

It is sad to see young people left without sufficient food or clothing at any time of the year, but holiday memories are those that remain with young people for the rest of their lives. For their well-being now and in the future, they should be blessed with a happy Christmas season.

So, this year you will be hearing social agencies ask you to dig deep into your pockets and make donations to their causes.

Maybe we use the word crisis too frequently, but this year there will be a crisis.

As it will be rough for receivers, it will also be a rough year for donors.

But donors have, year after year, shown the Montana spirit by giving to the needy, especially needy children, this time of the year.

Let’s do so again.


Reader Comments(1)

community writes:

Saturday November 23 from 10-3 at HRDC Bullhook Community Health Center and 16 community partners will unite together to help keep the hi-line communities we serve healthy, happy, and safe. We recognize that in these times many Montanans have multiple needs and the goal is to make possible for them to find the help they need. Employment-Child Care-LIEAP WIC SNAP/TANF Medicaid Healthy Montana Kids and many more will be available. Hi-Line communities showing what being good neighbors is all about.

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