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Ending Racism workshop scheduled in Havre

A workshop on ending racism is scheduled for Havre June 22.

Humanities Montana awarded a $1,000 grant to the Montana State University Extension Service to fund the workshop lead by the Montana Racial Equity Project.

The workshop will focus on terminology, history of marginalized peoples in Montana, and education on microagressions and cultural exploitation.

The Ending Racism Workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at Great Northern Inn in Havre.

The Montana Racial Equity Project is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that advocates equity and justice for historically ma...


Reader Comments(1)

Kerry McCollough writes:

Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised to be first. The reported departure from Havre of the two women who spoke Spanish saddened and embarrassed me. I lived in Havre when small (1960-1965), Dad taught at the HS, Mom belonged to the League of Women Voters. I'm 6th generation Montanan. Perhaps I'm foolish but at this point, I've lived in eight states and observed a few things, so I guess I'm just disappointed in the outcome. Thought better of Havre than this. Hope it gets better. Thanks