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OUTDOORS: Bullhook Bottoms Black Powder Shoot featured great scores

There were 103 shooters who participated in the 40th annual Bullhook Bottoms Black Powder Club Spring Shoot held May 25-27 at historical Fort Assinniboine south of Havre.

Shooters came from as far away as New Jersey, California, Oregon and all parts of Montana.

Robert Sparks of Havre, captured the Overall Aggregate trophy with a score of 198 in five matches including 25-yard offhand, 50-yard offhand, 100-yard offhand, 50-yard cross sticks and 100-yard cross sticks. Sparks also took the Offhand Aggregate with 117 points on three targets.

Bob Doney of Havre, took the Cross Stick Aggregate with 8...


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