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Give us freedom and good health policies

According to SAMHSA, COVID-19 is creating widespread uncertainty, panic, depression, PTSD, suicide, and spouse and child abuse across America.

This is true at Rocky Boy and other reservations in the state of Montana, where we are also seeing an uptick in illegal drug and alcohol use as people attempt to cope. These problems were brought about by the current major economic devastation, and disconnect from families, supportive community resources and support systems.

Tribal people are very family oriented.

I would like to request the HDN readers to pray for wisdom for our state and tribal leaders to make good decisions for the health, safety and welfare of the people without violating our civil rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Lives will be lost and devastated on either side of their decisions to lock down — isolate — or to not regulate social distancing.

However, tribal and state governments should not be making decisions that infringe on our civil liberties without input from the people. If our leaders would trust the people to make the right decisions for their families and communities there would be more cooperation, goodwill and peace in our communities.

All communities, counties and reservations are not the same and neither should they be mandated to follow a “cookie-cutter” policy to fit all. This comes across as a totalitarian edict from on high.


Former Rep. G. Bruce Meyers of Box Elder is a member of the Chippewa Cree Tribe of Montana and a Republican candidate for state House District 32, facing Rep. Jonathan Windy Boy, D-Box, in November’s election.


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